Bakunin in the Backseat
UA by Dirk Laucke
Premiere on 8.10.2010, Deutsches Theater Berlin
With which ideals can we achieve a different life in urban spaces?
Jörg is dead. After receiving an eviction notice for his apartment, he has turned on the gas tap. Bakunin, his dog, survives. He is taken along by real estate agent Steven, who wants to turn Jörg's former home into a carloft - and is brought out into the city, which to Bakunin seems like a world in a state of emergency, in a war of all against all...
A tale of gentrification about people searching for their own dream life while overlooking the Other.
with: Matthias Neukirch, Isabel Schosnig, Moritz Grove, Anita Vulesica, Simone von Zglinicki, Hauke Diekamp
Direction: Sabine Auf der Heyde
Stage: Christoph Schubiger
Costumes: Annegret Riediger
Music: Jacob Suske
Drawings: Chrigel Farner
Dramaturgy: Ulrich Beck