I have been teaching in the performing arts since 2019, drawing on my many years of practical experience as a theatre director and my constantly expanding theoretical knowledge. The basis for this lies in my engagement with critical theories as part of my studies of Political Science at the Free University Berlin, and the approaches of Social Justice and Diversity Training, for which I gained a certification from the Institute of Social Justice and Radical Diversity in Berlin in 2023. I teach my courses in both German and English, as I grew up bilingually.
Currently, my teaching work is focused on the intersection of performing arts and social justice and diversity content, and includes the examination of topics such as representation, authenticity discourses and identity politics, which are shaping both current theater and societal discourses. In practical acting training, for example, this could mean a critical examination of stereotypical role assignments and an analysis of semiotic elements in theater practice. Which signs do we use to convey content to our audience?
In my theoretical work, I am focused on alternative and critical perspectives, which I weave into my courses. In theater and film history, for example, it is important to me to convey a sociopolitically critical understanding of the emergence of literary canons and highlight feminist and non-eurocentric authors, theater makers and forms of performance.