Johanna! („Joan of Arc!“)

with texts by Felicitas Hoppe, George Bernard Shaw and others.

Premiere on March 28, 2014, Lucerne Theatre

“Joan of Arc. Show-off. God's braggart. Did you really think you were his daughter? The sister of Jesus? The savior of France? The Virgin Mary?

CEASEFIRE is the motto. Because let's not forget one thing: we are always doubly at war. Once on the outside and once on the inside. A hundred years of war - and still no France in sight.

Confused history. So many tears that a dream of a virgin is supposed to sew up because she pretends to know where France is. But where is France when everyone hates each other?”

(Felicitas Hoppe)

with: Wiebke Kayser, Juliane Lang, Jeanne Devos, Daniela Britt, Iana Huber, Jacob Suske

Direction: Sabine Auf der Heyde
Stage: Ann Heine
Costumes: Barbara Aigner
Music: Jacob Suske
Dramaturgy: Ulf Frötzschner

Photos: Toni Suter/ T&T Photography