Not Enough for Everyone
by Dirk Laucke
Premiere on 24.4.2010, Deutsches Theater Berlin
“ To hell with the do-gooders. they wanted it this way. they wanted to come here. now they're here. and they'll die here...”
Jo and Anna, on their way through the forest in the direction of Germany with a load of “illegal” Czech cigarettes, don't exactly feel like the winners of history. Although the border has by now become a nostalgic memory of harassment and customs checkpoints for them, they have long since realized that the petty criminal black market trade is only good for a hand-to-mouth existence. But then suddenly, like a mirage, a van with indefinable license plates appears in front of them and inside they find heaps of smuggled cigarettes and a few frightened Asians...
with: Katrin Wichman, Isabel Schosnig, Bernd Stempel, Paul Schröder
Direction: Sabine Auf der Heyde
Stage & costumes: Ann Heine
Music: Jacob Suske
Dramaturgy: Ulrich Beck