Schäfchen im Trockenen („Sheep on Dry Land“) (UA)
by Anke Stelling
Adaptated by Sabine Auf der Heyde and Carolin Losch, premiere on 16.11. 2019, Schauspiel Stuttgart
“How do you measure a successful life? What do you need, what should I give you, what should I spare you, what on earth should I do?”
Arrival in the much talked about middle of society: mid-forties, once - with lofty ideals! - left West Germany for Berlin, and now: stylish condominiums with floor-to-ceiling windows...
Only one remains left out: Resi is a moderately successful writer and, with her four children, part of the new creative precariat. She writes an angry speech to her eldest daughter Bea in a room in her old apartment, which she will soon have to leave, to prepare her for a world in which it very much matters which background you come from. At the latest when it comes to the topic of “inheritance” it becomes clear that our social backgrounds dominate our lives more than we would like to admit.
with: Sylvana Krappatsch, Therese Dörr, Katharina Hauter, Sebastian Röhrle
Direction and Stage: Sabine Auf der Heyde
Music: Jacob Suske
Costumes: Teresa Heiß
Dramaturgy: Carolin Losch
Lighting: Stefan Maria Schmidt
Photos: Björn Klein